
Switchup evolve security
Switchup evolve security

Threat actors committing Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks showed no signs of abating throughout the year.

switchup evolve security switchup evolve security

The phishing landscape is ever expanding as attackers find new avenues for attack. In this report, we will explore many of those tactics in detail. They were always revising and improving their approach to help improve their chances of subverting both security controls and the human factor. They continued to propagate attacks while constantly cycling through both new and old tactics. Threat actors did not skip a beat in 2021.

  • Real Estate & Title In the office or on-the-go, keep malicious emails out of your inbox.
  • Manufacturing Keep your communications and IP secure.
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  • Legal Mitigate risk and preserve client confidentiality with our full suite.
  • Information Technology Cybersecurity Secure critical flaws in your cyber-architecture.
  • hospitals use Zix to help maintain HIPAA compliance.
  • Government Securely automate constituent communications and processes.
  • Financial Services Avoid financial data loss and focus on building strong customer relationships.
  • Enhance Business Productivity Build your business on the security and productivity foundation.
  • switchup evolve security

  • Mitigate Compliance Risk Always be protected with our enterprise-grade encryption and data privacy.
  • Protect Business Communications Leverage our machine-learning techniques & live 24/7 threat analysts.
  • Secure, Modern Workplace Eliminate barriers and get more done with enterprise-grade security.
  • Microsoft Made Simple Create a simplified purchasing experience with the New Commerce Experience.

  • Switchup evolve security